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​​As the subtitle shows, I wrote this poem at the beginning of the pandemic, when I came home from my PT. The streets were empty, no people, no cars. Now, one year later we are almost back to our "normal" life, even if the pandemic is not done with us yet.

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The Time We Never Shared

The Change

​The background photo is a part of a gorgeous spring in Yellowstone, called “Black Pool”. Obviously, it is not black anymore. This fits well to a statement written on a board in another area of Yellowstone, and which inspired my poem:  “The only constant (in life) is change”. If you would like to learn more what stands behind this poem, keep on reading!

​2021 was very emotional, with a lot of questions, evaluation and self-reflection. The beginning of 2021 was especially difficult and the capitol riots had a big impact on  me. Besides (or due to) the obvious political difficulties, I realized that with the transition of making the US my home I became very quiet and stopped speaking up for the values I believe in - especially between 2017 and 2021.



After the riots, I started again to talk openly about how I felt and I realized that it was I who had to change to make peace with this beautiful but sometimes very challenging country, which I call my home. So I found the courage to integrate more statement art into my repertoire.

Having this wonderful opportunity to do a sabbatical in Montana and thanks to new experiences here, I also have some fresh ideas about how to stay active in the process of social transformation and the shift towards a society with more equality, inclusion and environmental awareness. I hope I can bring them to life when I am back in Maryland.

One year after the Capitol riots, January 6th, 2021

Withstanding Artists


​I can't recall the exact day when I wrote this poem, must have been in the last two months of 2020.  It is related to the pandemic and the unknown feeling about not being able to connect with friends and family as much as we liked or maybe even needed.

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